Full portfolio available upon request

My name is Linda Lowry and I'd like to thank you
for stopping by.

I grew up on a beautiful piece of land in Connecticut that belonged to two of my three artist great-grandparents. Land, water, architecture and art inspired me.

In graduate school, I began painting interiors of older architecture with a contemporary sensibility. My work has always been based in observation and narrative. It changes as my life and art experiences change. In 2012, I had a solo show of thirty-two oil paintings called “Water Nymphs” with imagery of water and figures playing and contemplating in water.

Shortly, thereafter, I worked with four different master printers and my work went in new directions. Monotypes and monoprints felt spontaneous and playful to me. Painting is often employed in my printmaking. I combine the two and I move between the two.

I like to tell and invent stories as an entry point. Printmaking allowed my narrative to become more invented and playful. After visiting the Acropolis Museum, I was inspired to create my own version of the evolution story, beginning with plants.

My recent paintings have been somewhat biographical. From my early interiors to now, I still incorporate influences of other artists. There are reoccurring themes and proclivities in my work and I am a life-long learner, who likes to keep exploring.


Painting info

e-mail Linda at: linda@lindalowry.net